
Fees and Registration

Fees and Registration                                                      Early Bird: until 1/03/2023                               Late Bird: after 1/03/2023

With presentation                                                                                      100€                                                                      120€

With presentation and pre-conference workshop                            125€                                                                      145€

Student with presentation                                                                       25€                                                                        35€

Student with presentation and pre-conference workshop            35€                                                                        45 €

Pre-conference workshop                                                                                                                                                        25€


Enrolment fees must be paid by the dates and in the amounts shown in the table above and do not include any bank transfer charges.

Fees paid will not be returned to enrolees who later cancel.


IMPORTANT: If you need to have an invoice or to pay via another option (e.g. bank transfer) or if you have been exempted to pay the fee, DO NOT fill in this form and contact us at instead.


To register click on the link: 


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