RHOME 2023 - Photography Exhibition

Nameless City — Photography Exhibition

22 June — 12 July 2023


The Representations of Home in Literatures and Cultures in English — (Dis)locations: The Shifting Thematics of Home International Conference is hosting the retrospective exhibition Nameless City, which covers some of Luísa Ferreira’s work over the last three decades. The cityhomememorygentrification(dis)location(un)settlement,(dis)possession and (up)rootedness are central themes in a selection of images from her photographic series Há quanto tempo trabalha aqui? [How long have you been working here?] (1994-2005); Intimidade [Intimacy] (2007-2015); Tranquilidade, Fidelidade, Infelicidade [Tranquility, Loyalty, Unhappiness] (2013-2018); Loreto (2020); Sem Prata (2019-2020); No Limite [No Limit] (2007-2019) and Barbadinhos (2020) showcased in this exhibition.


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