Aulas Abertas - RHOSE 2021

Rhose 22 - 18 November 2021, 11h00-12h20

Representations of Home Open Seminar

Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse

RHOSE 21 - 30 September 2021, 12h30-14h00

Representations of Home Open Seminar

Crossing Borders, Retrieving Memories: The History of the Land Border between Ireland and the United Kingdom

RHOSE 20 - 6 May 2021, 14.30-15.30 (online)

Representations of Home Open Seminar

(Be)longing: A poetry reading about homes within and without

RHOSE 19 - 3 May 2021 14.00 (online)

Representations of Home Open Seminar

Irish English in a time-capsule: Irish emigrant voices in speech and writing

RHOSE 18 - 6 de Abril, 2021, 11 horas.(online)

Representations of Home Open Seminar

Hearing the Voice, Listening for Silences in the Poetry of Maria Teresa Horta

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