Aulas Abertas - RHOSE 2024

Rhose 27 | 8 de janeiro 2024 | 11h (online)

Representations of Home Open Seminar



8 jan. 2024 11:00 da manhã Lisboa

Entrar Zoom Reunião

ID da reunião: 980 4461 5920
Senha: 585658



Zuzanna Zarebska (PhD, Post-Doc) is a researcher at ULICES/CEAUL. She was a visiting scholar at NUI Maynooth, Ireland and University College Dublin under the supervision of Professor Margaret Kelleher working on Irish women’s contemporary writing. Her research interests include literatures and cultures in English, feminisms, diaspora, gender, identity and ageing studies. She is a member of the Rhome and the Medical Humanities projects. She teaches at the Department of English Studies at the University of Lisbon and is currently the PI of the project on women and ageing, Women and Ageing: Towards equality, dignity and improvement of life and well-being.


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