

RHOME Creative:

Texts by Mary Fowke and Victor Marsh, presented at 2017 conference, selected for Infinite Rust: A Creative Journal of Literary and Visual Arts, Issue ‘Home’, Fall 2018 – Infinite Rust Fall 2018

2020 Publications:

The American, British and Canadian Studies journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, and De Gruyter, Germany.

Volume 35 (December 2020) is a special issue devoted to Writers of the Millennium, guest edited by Ana Raquel Fernandes of the Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, and ULICES - University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, Portugal.T

For all those who might be interested, the latest issue can be found in open access at:


The Journal of Literary Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Literature Association of South Africa in partnership with Unisa Press and Taylor & Francis.

Volume 36, Issue 1(2020) is a special issue resulting from the “Representations of Home: Conflict and/or (Be)longing: Thinking with Stories and Images” international conference and is guest-edited by Paula Horta and Margarida Martins of ULICES - University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, Portugal.

For all those who might be interested, this issue can be found at:


Forthcoming 2021:

Literary anthology of 21st -century short fiction and non-fiction in English on the themes of home and belonging translated into Portuguese. Eds. Casal and Fernandes.

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